I think I feed my best idea for assignment 3 (the NUS map) so I need to figure out another idea for final project. I now comeback to an idea I did brainstorm at the very beginning of semester (assignment 1). It is a singing matchmaking app where one person sings some lyrics and another one fill in the other part. This process can be real-time (2 ppl sing together) or 1 person record his part and archived it, where the other fill in the song. However, that idea is infeasible in assignment 1 due to a short amount of time, and It will be complicated to build an audio streaming app. Luckily, final project has a longer timeline and all of my teammates are better than 7 weeks ago so I think we can do this. This is not finalized yet, but I think this is a nice idea and it has the potential to become a first prize contender.
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